Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Twink Twink & Boo Boo

Ok, I'm sure you're saying..."what the heck is a twink, twink and a boo boo?" These are nicknames we came up with for The Princess. My husband and I have a handful of nicknames we use and The Princess knows exactly who we're referring.

One day, we were peacefully watching some tv when The Princess sits on the sofa beside me and says in my ear, "Mommy, I'm your twink twink". I immediately lost it and busted out in laughter. She proceed to where my husband was sitting and says in his ear, "Daddy, I'm your boo boo". We both didn't know how to contain ourselves.

Tell me the cutest or funniest nicknames you have for your children and how they've reacted to them.

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