Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Happy 8th Anniversary!

(don't take any stock into this photo, it was taken 4 years ago)

Well, the day has come and almost gone. Today is my 8th wedding anniversary and I'm as happy today as I was October 7, 2000. I thank the almighty for each day I have with my husband, Pete. Nowadays, many married couples are making the decision to go their separate ways. I'm not passing judgment because I know working at a marriage is very hard work. I'm lucky I have a spouse who sticks it out for better or worse and we are able to compromise when it's needed.

Usually, on our anniversary, we go out to dinner (gotta love the food!) and that's what we did! However, we had to take the Princess with us. It's not easy finding a sitter, so we just tag her along. Don't even mention my 18 year-old keeping her for a few hours. We don't even go there...

Please enjoy this song anniversary song by 80's group Tony Toni Tone'. I loved this group when I was in school.


Petula said...

Oh crap... I'm a day late, but the wish is still sincere! I hope you guys had a wonderful anniversary even with the Princess tagging along. I wish you many, many more years of happiness. A good marriage is hard to make! :D

Lin said...

Congratulations on your anniversary and your love for each other! In these crazy times, it is good to see that love prevails. It is wonderful to see two people in love! Enjoy your anniversary, each other, and celebrate how lucky you are!!!

Soulsearcher said...

Happy belated anniversary! I hope you had a good time and that you will be celebrating together for many years to come!